Sunday, April 03, 2005

Knock Knock

As news of the Pope's imminent death filled the airwaves, I cleaned house. I opened all the windows and doors and a strong, cool breeze lifted me as I went about the ritual of organizing, throwing out and cleaning. At one point, as I paused to consider my next move, it registered how quiet my neighborhood was. On any given Saturday, it's usually filled with latino music, laughter, dogs barking and the occassional howls and whirs of sirens, airplanes and helicopters. A quick scan from my balcony up and down the street revealed much. My vibrant neighbors were walking together towards the Catholic Church at the end of the street, others joining them along the route. As I scanned the front of their house, I noticed bright red flowers had been added to the shrine. Yes, my neighbors have a permanent shrine attached to the front of their house, to the left of the front door. It is surrounded by white lights (of the Christmas tree variety) and burn perpetually. Actually...I think they have two for the Blessed Mother and the other is attached to their front door. It's a 3 foot full color replica of a beer bottle (Miller Lite...I think). These guys have their bases covered.


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